Frankie Alduino


Frankie Alduino isn’t letting the shelter-in-place slow down his creativity. The NYC based photographer is engaging daily with creative prompts to maintain his work ethic and keep his city’s economy afloat:

“My friends Atarah Atkinson and Alicia Henderson own a beautiful studio in Brooklyn called The Atrium. Throughout the economic beating that has been COVID-19 they've hosted a daily creative prompt to both keep photographers active in their practice while in isolation as well as bringing some much needed exposure to their studio which, like many small businesses, is struggling to stay afloat. These three photographs are interpretations of the prompts: Line, Repetition, and Self Portrait. These were all taken in my living room with everyday household items that I just found laying around (butcher string, a wire hanger, a tennis ball, etc etc).”


Are All White Americans Police Officers? by Andre Henry


Emily Elizabeth Miller