
Even under the spell of self-quarantine few people would look at the remains of their breakfast compostables and see an avant-garde masterpiece. That is unless your name is Brett Warren. In which case, one man’s pulp is almost always another man’s pièce de résistance. Case and point the sculpture pictured above made entirely out of egg shells and onion skins:

I made an omelette that morning and saved the shells. I began doodling and doodling inside the shells with a graphite pencil, and it made the most incredible scratchy sound. I kind of got lost in it, and then began assembling the broken parts into a flower shape.

I felt like it needed some more organic bits so I used the onion skins to bring in some of that. I truly think onion skins are so beautiful, they are almost iridescent/holographic if you look at them in the sun.  

I carried inside a shoe box a few blocks to my studio, and it kind of felt like I had some sort of rare bird I was transporting across Brooklyn. Imagination is much needed these days, and it made me smile.

I photographed it in the last slivers of sunlight, and was sad it was over. I had so much fun making it. - Brett


Arielle Junca


The Lord God Bird by Coach Kit